dinsdag 6 januari 2009

Learning to search

Mostly we are insulting normal users by saying that they just use a search engine wrong by not specifying the right search query for their needs...

Microsoft has developed a program that can help users in getting their search done right. The post on msdn.com on "how well do we use our search engines?" tells the story about a study on getting the search right by playing a game.

Do play the game... it is fun.

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Google Apps is getting more and more users

According to this blog post by Google, they have more than 3 million users at educational organizations.

It is not so surprising that Google gets very much attention in this user base. Students nowadays grew up with one company they now best. It is the company that delivers the only internet searchengine they know. The company that delivers the E-mail application they use. The company that lets them navigate on their mobile phone. Read the post on Classroom collaboration to illustrate what I mean.

Computing in the clouds is so easy and Google delivers.

Just as a complete generation grew up with the products of Microsoft, A complete generation is now growing up with Google. I see no big difference. It is just a matter of time when Google gets the same negative public attention that Microsoft got. The reason is simple...

When a company gets to "big" or has to much influence the natural "big brother" reaction of the public takes control....