The Lucid Imagination Blog has today posted a blog about the exciting new thing in Lucene, namely "Triplets". The only thing that I mis in this blogpost is any information about "Apache Lucene gives birth to triplets!".
The blog is nothing more than a requiem to the Apache / Lucene project. How fantastic is the ongoing development of Lucene and Lucene and of course... Solr...
Come on LucidImagineers... you can do more than that... give us an insight in the meaning of this new exciting feature.
Nieuws, achtergronden en opinie over de onderwerpen Information Access an Enterprise Search, gepresenteerd in korte artikelen, webclippings en links naar interessante bronnen. -- News, backgrounds and opinions on the subject of Information Access and Enterprise Search, brought to you in short articles, clippings and links to interesting sites related to the subject.