“The triumph of the distributed Web.” He said the aggregate power of distributed human activity will trump centralized control. His main point was that Google, and other search engines that analyze the Web and links, are much less useful than a (theoretical) search engine that knows not what people have linked to (as Google does), but rather what pages are open on people’s browsers at the moment that people are searching. “All the problems of search would be solved if search relevance was ranked by what browsers were displaying,” he said.source: http://federatedsearchblog.com/2009/05/27/a-new-paradigm-for-federated-search/
I like the idea but I am confused about the fact that they are calling this "federated search".
In the enterprise search world we define "Federated search" as the distribution of a search action over two or more search environments. The "distributed" engines deliver results and those results are aggregated by the centralized search engine and presented to the user.
I think it would be more appropriate to name the mentioned method of indexing "distributed indexing" or "federated indexing".
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