donderdag 9 juli 2009

Chome OS... De Google val slaat dicht

Much fuzz about the announcement of the Google Chrome OS the past few days.
I must say that I am intrigued by the concept myself. My first reaction was like "Off course, after the Google Apps, Chrome Browser and Android this is the next step".

Google is revealing itself more and more like the other established players as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle etc. They are actually building a stack of software and platforms that lock in any company that is standardising on their software.

Google is more and more becoming a "normal" IT-company that sells software and tries to bind customers to their solutions.
There are 3 aspects to this issue:
  1. Google still is a company that gets it's revenues from advertising
  2. Google is starting to dominate (monopoly??) some markets (advertising)
  3. Google is known for giving away free services
I wonder where this is going... Google is not the David fighting Goliath with small stones anymore. They are a David on steroids trying to get Achilles and Goliath at the same time.

Read more about this topic:

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