vrijdag 21 augustus 2009

Enterprise Search – It’s all about the interfaces

Now that search is becoming a commodity – at least the core search engine is – it is possible to focus more on presenting the relevant information in a user-friendly and usable way.

Tools like tagging, rating, recommendations etc. must be incorporated into the interface without cluttering the information.


Companies like Vivisimo and Exalead understand this change illustrated by there publications on the website and in the way that they distribute their solutions. They have some pretty neat interfaces that come out-of-the-box.

Autonomy on the other hand still has no usable GUI for their IDOL product and the interface that the Google GSA comes with is to simple.

The interesting thing about Solr is its open source character. Because the community loves this, they are developing interfaces and frameworks for use with Solr. Examples are Blacklight and VuFind.

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